When it comes to taking photos, we all know that it is an art. Photography is seen as art, because you can capture so many beautiful things on camera - from nature to human emotion. There is nothing more beautiful than capturing genuine emotions, such as love, on camera, and cherishing these captured emotions forever. The special moment stays immortalized in a beautiful portrait. As a photographer, you can give people their moment in palpable form... and there is something very rewarding about that. Beyond just taking photographs of people in certain situations, you can also create art for various other mediums. Magazine photography is seen as one of the best ways in which to create striking, editorial art pieces that will live on in the minds of people for a very long time.

Photography is also seen as art because it has the power to exhibit beauty in everything. In fact , it can take the most gruesome events and make them seem to be beautiful, fleeting moments in time. Take the death of Evelyn Hale in the 1930's. She was one of the last people to jump off of the empire state building. She jumped to her death and one of her last requests was to be kept forever beautiful, even in death. The funny thing was that a photographer was one of the first people on the scene and he took the opportunity to photograph the event. Even in death, the woman was gorgeous and, as a result, the image is as stunningly epic as it is gruesome. The last photo that was ever taken of her was as she lay on a crumpled limousine, clutching a white scarf in her hand. Because the photo was taken in black and white, there is no blood to be seen. She looked peaceful. The person who took this photograph was able to find the beauty in the tragic situation - proving that photography is as much a form of art as any other creative discipline out there.

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